Equipment Loan Program
Equipment Loan Program
The Society maintains an equipment pool, available on an “as needed” basis to ALS clients throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. Your health care professional can forward to the ALS society a prescription/requisition form. If you do not have health benefits and contact us prior to purchasing equipment, we may be able to provide the appropriate equipment through our program. We are painfully aware that the needs of our clients are many and varied. While it is impossible to provide everything, we strive to provide the more basic equipment in the interest of quality of life for our clients. It is also our goal to keep this equipment in good working order and replaced when necessary. The things that we focus on are as follows:
- Manual wheelchairs with gel pads/cushions
- Electric hospital beds
- Liftout recliner chairs
- Walkers, including Rollators
- Rental of BiPap breathing assists
- Suction machines
- Some safety rails/bathroom assists
- Mechanical patient lifts/slings
We are from time to time the grateful recipients of additional equipment from our ALS families but quite often it is pieces that we don’t purchase on a regular basis. These are loaned out on the same “as needed” basis when available. In light of the fact that equipment is costly and things do wear out, we have to focus on the above mentioned items and at this time, we do not supply feeding tube or technological communication devices.
For more information please call toll free 888-364-9499 or e-mail
Emergency Community Support Fund:
Funded in part by the Government of Canada & The United Way