Welcome to the ALS Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. The ALS Society of Newfoundland and Labrador is dedicated to supporting Newfoundland and Labradoreans living with ALS and in conjunction with ALS Canada investing in research to make ALS a treatable, not terminal, disease. We are a registered charity that receives no core government funding – all of our services and research are funded through the generosity of our donors.
The ALS Society of NL has three principle objectives
To provide direct support to people with ALS, their families, and caregivers
To raise funds for patient services and research
To increase public awareness and understanding of ALS
The ALS Society of Newfoundland and Labrador also advocates provincially and locally for better government support and access within the healthcare system for people touched by ALS.
The ALS Society of Newfoundland and Labrador is committed to providing support to ALS clients,
their families, and caregivers while helping to find the cause of and a cure for ALS.
Funding patient research and services takes money. We appreciate every donation big or small. Donate at the top of the page. You can also help by donating your recyclables to the ALS NL Society at any Green Depot location.